Half-Life 2: Short Stories TeamHalf-Life 2: Short Stories team started as a project with the goal to do modifications focusing on story and gameplay. Different stories were supposed to have continuing and connected stories all taking place in the Half-Life 2 universe.
However, after the release of Human Error Co-op we wanted to do something completely different, and thus Water was born. The current goal is to do smaller, more polished mods with more unique look and gameplay with stories not necessarily set in the HL2 world. Also, instead of doing the same thing for several years, ideally one short story would take about a year to produce.
- Tero "Au-heppa" Knuutinen (Lead)
- Daniel "CzechDeath" Tejnicky (Admin)
- Christiaan "AniCator" Bakker (Composer)
- Citizen_J (3D Modeller)
- Ade (Beta Testing Lead)
- Almir Jašarevič (2D Artist)