Mad PumpkinsMad Pumpkins is an independent studio creating video games since 2019. The team initially consisted of three people, the founders: Arianna Lona (graphic designer and management), Marie Legrand (game designer and developer) and Alexandre Gomes (videomaker and director of short films). The complementarity of their skills has allowed the team to succeed in a short time in structuring its remote production cycle, in organizing itself through special programmes for remote working, and by doing so they were able to self-finance the development of complete playable prototypes.
In 2020 the studio started to earn money thanks to various services performed for clients, including the Fondazione Cineteca di Milano -Italy- (which is also a partner), and during the pandemic it also worked for online events (Game Jams, Festivals, workshops and online management consulting).
At the end of 2021 Mad Pumpkins then opened an Italian “S.r.l.” (i.e. Ltd.) in order to start the production of its first title (MOVIEROOMS), thanks to the first funding received, and this has meant the growth of the production team from 2 to 4 people (with the arrival of a new lead game developer and a 3D artist).