MadMan Theory Games
MadMan Theory GamesMad­man The­ory Games SA is a result of pas­sion and hard work of an inde­pen­dent team formed at the begin­ning of 2010. By devel­op­ing small titles like Minidragon or Dogged Wings we have gath­ered nec­es­sary expe­ri­ence to start mak­ing even more ambi­tious projects. Despite the high orga­ni­za­tion of our group, our core is still a unique approach and an aim to achieve extra­or­di­nary effects in every­thing we do. We focus on you, the gamers, because we are still gamers our­selves. Despite hav­ing a global pro­file of activ­ity, MTG S.A.’s head office and pro­duc­tion site are located in Poland. The Head Office is in Gdy­nia next to the office of the company’s pub­lisher. The pro­duc­tion site is in Wrocław where the his­tory of MTG has begun and where com­pe­tent team of pro­gram­mers can be sup­ported by a strong aca­d­e­mic centre. Madman Theory Games is now owned by Forever Entertainment S. A.