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A Faerie's Tale

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A Faerie's Tale is a light-hearted and playful fantasy story about accepting change and finding a new home.
The story follows Aell, a half-Sylph, who has spent their life in seclusion in the forest of Lyfthelm Mountain. They are forced to relocate to the town of Byrne in the valley after a mudslide destroys their cabin and a family of frogs takes over the fireplace. Having never spoken to humans other than the grandfather that raised them, and having never dealt with human society, they are wildly curious about the new experiences and people they encounter. But a run-in with the city guards leaves them confined and waiting for a messenger from the Lord in charge of the area, who may be interested in their magic abilities. Aell takes the situation in stride and instead focuses on getting to know their two caretakers, Silas and Glen, as they attempt to teach Aell about the town and about living as a human. Will Aell escape? Curse the town like a proper vengeful Fae? Bring down a goose apocalypse from the skies? Or will they just fall in love?
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