This game is an animated visual novel based on a youthful, dream filled high school life story. This game portrays the player as Aoi, the protagonist, and brings the player through the feat of building the glider that will realise their dreams, while bonding with the female characters.
A romantic comedy visual novel centered around a girl named Mika Anderson, who gets entangled in the affairs of incubi.
A horror visual novel about Fuminori Sakisaka, a medicine student who suffers an accident that leaves his perception of the world distorted: everything and everyone is perceived as a twisted mass of intestines, flesh and blood. Everything, except Saya.
Join Kotone in this Visual Novel on her adventure as Viola in her online game Asaph Online. Find friends, accept their quests and get to know the world of Asaph.
A short simulation game made by one person in one month.
Romance... Record. A new love is starting. Summer in senior high school. An encounter with 6 girls... and love happens.
An escape room adventure with the Karasuno VBC!
Pen Pal Princess is a queer romcom visual novel about long distance relationships and online dating. Correspond with potential suitors through letter writing, email, and DMs to convince them to rescue you from your secluded princess tower!
An interactive story game in which your choices can change everything.