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Bascatball Coach

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Do you love cats? Do you love basketball? Do you love coaching cats playing basketball? Then BasCATball Coach is the purr-fect game for you! Take control of feline stars like Stephen Furry, LeBron Mames and Giannis Antetocatbones and guide them and their cat-based basketball franchises to playoff winning glory and beyond! Select your franchise from fur-miliar teams like Mew York, Pawtland, Catlanta, and Detrout; then coach your team of highly paid kitties to the play offs and beyond – and if your current litter aren’t up to scratch you can trade you way to the most fur-midable all-star team in cat-based basketball history! Simple menus allow you to focus on picking the pur-fect team, but don’t fur-get to make sure your lineup have had enough naps to keep their energy levels up and your line up fresh! Complete with cute faces and cat based puns for every player, everyone can experience the joys of becoming a fat cat as you guide your team to glory!
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