Horse racing is back, this time with weird-ass cover art.
Go on an adventure with Lily and her horses as she faces an untrustworthy banker trying to seize the family ranch in Petz: Saddle Club.
This game is for 1 up to 6 players. When the game begins, you can place the bets, for the winner or for the first and second place. Then you can choose if an horse must be driven by a player or by the CPU. Only the third and the fourth horse can be driven by the players. There are 3 types of terrain: turf, mud or dry. When the race begins, the horses are speedier at the beginning, slower toward the end. They are different for speed at the starting gate, stamina, speed at the straight line, and for speed with different conditions of the race terrain. You (and the CPU too!) have the whip and the coax to spur a horse, and these tools could be useful to win a race even with a more tired horse.
Build, design and manage your very own garden in this 2010 simulator.
Care for a pony by feeding, grooming and riding.
Solve 30 medical cases with mini games.
Pony-owning simulator which allows much more accessorising than most real ponies with any spirit left would tolerate.
Muppet Madness is a 1988 interactive VHS tape made for the View-Master Interactive Vision video game console.
Muppets Studios Presents: You're the Director is an interactive VHS tape made for the View-Master Interactive Vision game system in 1988.