Leap into "Run & Jump Guy," a pixel-packed platformer spanning three thrilling worlds: Island, Snowy Forest, and Castle. Overcome enemies and obstacles to conquer the ultimate boss!
After Marsho lent his game to a friend awhile back, Mo won't give it back now! It's up to you find the Warp Stars and take it back even if force is needed.
A young vampire is imprisoned in a supposedly abandoned castle. Help him escape from this magical prison.
The Cheril Perils NES Port we never finished and which ended becoming Yun, the remake! And the port to SEGA 8-bit of the remake of the unfinished port but now finished! Get confused as hell with all the versions of Cheril Perils with this adventure with lots of fun and two gameplay modes! In easy mode just jump on top of the baddies to clean every stage. In resonators mode, you’ll have to activate a resonator to freeze the baddies for a while before you can jump on top of them to kil them all.
Rogue Soul 2 is an action platformer game developed by SoulGame Studio. It's the sequel to Rogue Soul. Much like its predecessor, Rogue Soul 2 is a platformer game in which you control the titular hero, Rogue Soul, who runs automatically, and wreak havoc on enemies who would rather have him dead. However, Rogue Soul 2 is more story-driven and has a set of levels to be completed in linear progression rather than simply trying to get the best score you can. The game also has many other bonus modes that can be unlocked by reaching various milestones in the game.
Rogue Soul is an endless running platformer game developed by SoulGame Studio. It has you take control of the titular character, Rogue Soul, as he runs through the city looking to raise the bounty on his head to 5,000 Soulons in order to become more famous than Borin Hood, the current most famous criminal in the city.
A short 1 level platforming game made entirely from strata cut clay. Play as a neuron delivering information to the brain core, destroy neurons with sparks of electricity when they get in your way. Press 'F' to fire electricity, Arrow keys to move, 'space' to jump. Music by Miles Pride. TW: flashing colors
Zean, the alien, has only one goal in this strategy game: Reach the bell. His mission starts out simple. A simple world with only him and a bell. There is nothing more. How will he reach it? It is up to you, the player, to figure out what Zean has to do to reach the bell. A game that started out as a game created for a game jam, now fully playable.