Set in the same beloved universe as Torchlight I and II, this shared-world action-RPG brings back many of the franchise's signature features and mechanics that captured the hearts of ARPG fans around the world. In true Torchlight style, players will team up with friends and devoted pets to hack and slack their way through a vibrant world, discover ancient ruins of lost civilizations and brave dungeons filled with riches and dangerous creatures.
Change is an emotional homeless survival experience set in a randomly generated city with rogue-like elements. Explore, survive, earn perks, find items and more to develop your character and escape to a new life.
The Earthlings have joined the interstellar club. The galaxy will never be the same. The year is 2086 and Earth has detected an alien distress call originating from the surface of Triton. In response, Star Control is formed with you as The Captain of Earth's first prototype starship.
In 30 days, help is coming... A mysterious radio transmission claims that help is inbound. You are Jacob Solomon: leader of a makeshift team trying to survive the aftermath of a devastating asteroid collision. The world you once knew is no more – buried deep beneath the constant snowfall. Your goal: keep your companions alive until rescue.
Force of Nature is an indie open world sandbox game with fighting, crafting, building and farming systems.
A fully featured RPG with classic game mechanics and extensive lore based on Norse mythology. As all elven unicorns were taken away and cursed by witchcraft, the elves’ sole existence became endangered. Players will encounter mesmerizing locations and fantasy characters as Aurehen, a young pure Elf, who undertakes her quest to free the last surviving Unicorn that protects Elven immortality.
Dungeon of Dragon Knight is a dungeon crawler role play game, based on grid system. You will lead your team to continually discover clues, solve the puzzles that surround you, and survive in dangerous dungeon.
It's one year after the collapse of civilization and self-centered hedge fund manager Joe Wheeler emerges from his specially constructed bunker in search of food. This is a huge open-world RPG where you have the freedom to play how you want - but your choices have consequences. Your aim is to find other survivors, gain their respect, and build a community. You'll scavenge for supplies, trade, plant crops, go on quests, face moral dilemmas, go to war, and uncover dark, terrible secrets!
Hire heroes, build an army, prevail in battles and try to keep your empire intact in the face of grave danger. Eador. Imperium is a new chapter in Eador series, known for its unique blend of grand strategy, turn-based tactics and RPG elements.
A dungeon crawl where YOU are the dungeon! Lead your minions in tactical turn-based combat against the pesky heroes, and unlock a variety of evil Powers. With a dynamic campaign system and a branching storyline, "Reverse Crawl" lets you experience an RPG from a whole new angle!