
Five Nights at Sonic's 3 Reburned

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Five Nights at Sonic's 3 Reburned (or for short FNaS 3 Reburned) it's a FNAF fangame, which is basically a copy of FNAF 3 but with new story, characters, etc.
FNaS 3 Reburned, takes place in 2027, the robots and clones from the past game (FNaS 2) were brought to a story unit (which is not the restaurant we are in the game, it's before the restaurant was even created), the robots/toys Sonic, Mario, Yoshi, Taingle, Luiginette and Balloon Toad for the years became broken, dirty and unused, also the Boo who possessed Luiginette one time got stuck and he became crazy and scary. The clones were fixed but Clone Sonic was locked in a room by Eggman, where there are the robots/toys and Golden Sonic. The clones (Clone Mario, Yoshi, and tails) died because Dr Robotnik killed them one by one, who were looking for the hedgehog. Toy Sonic malfunctioned and attacked Clone Sonic, and that's how he turned into Salvage Sonic, Salvage escaped the room found his friends dead and found Eggman, the spirits of the clones found them too, but Eggman command Sonic to attack his friends, he didn't listen and he stabbed Eggman as revenge, but that was not the end of him. On the secret mini game, we see now that Eggman controls Golden Sonic body, because his spirit found Golden and controlled him. So then the company tried another time, but this time they would use clones, but they only found Sonic, so he's the mascot, his injuries are covered by medicine, but when he turns evil at night the wounds return. Golden Sonic is hiding, the toys are in the back room if they're needed. Silver will guide the nightguard which is Modern Sonic, Modern took the job because he wanted to investigate the commotion of the past. He has to survive against Salvage Sonic, the Withered toys, The clones hallucinations, The Boo, Shadow Sonic, and Golden Sonic. On the 5th night the power of the whole city is gone so Modern only uses a flashlight to defend himself, luckily he passes the night. On his 6th night due to the clones stepping on the wires the building catches fire and Salvage gets stopped by a piece of the roof, which fall off, Golden notices that and tries to kill the nightguard which in a mini game we got to escape through the exit. When we escape Modern assumed everyone there perished, he didn't want to look back and he took all his friends to a whole a new world, except Knuckles who wanted to stay there.


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