Friendly Premonition

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A murder just took place in the town of Greenvale, and it's affected everyone. You play as a psychically-attuned stranger to town who has a feeling that there's more to some of these people than meets the eye. Lucky for you, you're charming enough that people trust you with a whole host of secrets. Visit various different locations around Greenvale and talk to the cast. Collect illustrated trading cards after getting to know people through dialogue options. View a range of familiarly odd items with new descriptions. Even flirt with the people you've made friends with, if you're so inclined. Friendly Premonition is a talking sim where you can meet every character from the original game and listen to them talk your ear off about a range of interests. Once they've run out of specific topics, they'll eagerly share whatever thought enters their head. A select number of characters even have special mechanics for you after you've talked to them enough, so make sure you check back.