Two years after the events of the Magical Paws, Hikari reunites again with the three cards, but she can't remember them. However, a mysterious person shows her a great amount of new cards and asks her to help him in a task that only she can do. Will she succeed? Will she remember Ren, Toshio, and Hiroshi if she does it? Maybe she will find something else that just friendship with these new cards...
A dating sim where you get put in the shoes of Meirin and can go for four different boys.
A romantic comedy visual novel centered around a girl named Mika Anderson, who gets entangled in the affairs of incubi.
Kaitou Apricot is a visual novel by Takuyo.
Ore-sama Kingdom: Koi mo Manga mo Debut o Mezase! Doki Doki Love Lesson is a visual novel for the Nintendo DS.
Mira, a college third year transfers to a new university to pursue her passion for theater acting, eager to make a name for herself. But she has a secret: She's a magical girl that fights evil! And it seems she's not the only one when a cocky outgoing hero appears in front of her one night, and things don't end well. Meanwhile in her regular life there’s a boy in theater class that she can't seem to get along with, but he seems to be hiding something. Engage in competitive flirty banter, create mishaps and hijinks, and uncover secrets in this funny romantic comedy otome game!
Pinky Distortion is a visual novel game for iOS.
Little Aid is a otome game by Takuyo for PC and PlayStation 2.
Otometeki Koi Kakumei Love Revo is a otome game for PS2.
Dr. Rin ni Kiitemite! Koi no Rin Fuusui is a Japanese Game Boy Color game. The protagonist is an original character that gets tranferred to Meirin's class. She'll help her in her love consultations, divinations and school life.