Games like Geometry Genius: Shapes

Bible Verse Challenge cover

Bible Verse Challenge

Test your Bible Verse Knowledge. Try to get the highest score without running out of hearts! Need to break in the middle of the challenge! The game saves your progress after each question, so return whenever you want. If you need help you can use the Book Review to study up without worrying about losing hearts, but it doesn't save a score. You'll also be able to use multiple versions of the Bible including KJV (King James Version) and ASV (American Standard Version). Don't forget to go into settings to update your profile, book version, and control the sound effects and music.

Big Babies: Instructions cover

Big Babies: Instructions

Duolingo cover


Duolingo is a gamified language learning app, which works using the spaced repetition technique. In order to keep the learner engaged, Duolingo has leaderboards, daily objectives and rewards like badges, items, its own currency and experience points. As September 24th, 2024, Duolingo added a new lesson type called "Adventures", in which you can control one of Duolingo's mascots, while answering questions to make the scene play out.

Dance It! cover

Dance It!

QuizMi cover


A brand new quiz trivia mobile game that builds on the legacy of QuizUp and brings a fresh take on the genre. Play against others worldwide with exciting multiplayer features, challenge your knowledge with a variety of categories and questions, and experience the excitement of a brand new quiz trivia game.

What Would You Choose? Rather cover

What Would You Choose? Rather

What Would You Choose is a fun and addicting game where you have to choose between two difficult scenarios. Including hundreds of the best hand-picked Would You Rather questions and even a voting system for your favorite options!

Microsoft Dangerous Creatures cover

Microsoft Dangerous Creatures

Dangerous Creatures allows the user to investigate animals according to several categories: Atlas (animals by country), Weapons (animals that had teeth, venom, or claws), Guides (related animals), Habitats (animals from a given environment), and Index (an alphabetical list of all animals covered). Animal articles have pictures, descriptions, and video clips. In addition a user can be tested with quizzes on the animals.

Pense Bem: Desafio cover

Pense Bem: Desafio

Pense Bem: Informática cover

Pense Bem: Informática

Pense Bem: História cover

Pense Bem: História