This game is an animated visual novel based on a youthful, dream filled high school life story. This game portrays the player as Aoi, the protagonist, and brings the player through the feat of building the glider that will realise their dreams, while bonding with the female characters.
A short linear visual novel about love, mental-health and werewolves. Developed for Spooktober VN Jam 2023.
Distortion Nation is about Reverie, a 24 year old woman who's starting her day in a really bad shape, with a eye that's severely hurt and a arm that might be broken. Also she's a vampire. So what will she do? Ask her two girlfriends for help? Try so solve her problems by herself? Learn to open up to others? --- A short visual novel about learning how to accept help from those closest to you. Features: - 5 Choices - Original Artwork - Ambient soundtrack - LGBTQ+ Cast
Selinuntius, the last siren, has long lived apart from her kin after becoming stranded while looking for Persephone. Despite numerous attempts from the village on the shore to slay her, none have succeeded—her song has always reached those who come near her island eventually. One day, a girl rows towards Selinuntius's island alone with an oar in injured hands and a smile on her face. What Selinuntius first believed was her effortlessly luring another victim morphs into the realization that the girl, Melos, could never hear her song in the first place—
A gloomy yuri VN set in an abandoned theme park, focused on a ruinous relationship between a pair of estranged childhood friends.
A romantic comedy visual novel centered around a girl named Mika Anderson, who gets entangled in the affairs of incubi.
Let us exchange the KOTONOHA of hope a little more. *Ĉu vi volas paroli la lingvon "Juliamo"?* Do you want to speak *Juliamo*?
Iris is tired of studying and working and just wants to be a cat. Her wish comes true. While she's discovering the joy and downsides of her new form, her girlfriend Maggie is bothered by absence of her partner.
After The Bell Rings is the story of Mana and Sayaka, two young adults whose roads suddenly crossed one night. Mana is an English teacher in High School and Sayaka is a punk-rock free spirit who wants nothing but make Mana's life more enjoyable. The game had a prototype demo released for Yuri Jame 2015, but was later put on indefinite development hold.
Minimalist RPG Maker conversational game