This game is an animated visual novel based on a youthful, dream filled high school life story. This game portrays the player as Aoi, the protagonist, and brings the player through the feat of building the glider that will realise their dreams, while bonding with the female characters.
A restaurant business otome game.
True Fortune is an otome game, developed and published by Enterbrain, which was released in Japan in 2008.
A romantic comedy visual novel centered around a girl named Mika Anderson, who gets entangled in the affairs of incubi.
Hoshizora no Comic Garden is a visual novel for the Nintendo DS.
Kimikare: Shingakki is an otome game, developed by Winlight and published by Idea Factory, which was released in Japan in 2012.
A PSP otome adventure game.
Renai Banchou 2: Midnight Lesson!!! follows the first game "Renai Banchou: Inochi Meishi, Koiseyo Otome! Love is Power!!!" but with a different heroine.
Orange Honey: Boku wa Kimi ni Koishiteru is a otome game developed by Guyzware and was released for PlayStation 2.
This is a sequel to "Kiniro no Corda", a love simulation game in which you take control of Kahoko, a female student.