An otome game based on the popular bonus drama CD of the Sangoku Rensenki series.
OGA Oni-Gokko Royale Hunter ha Field de Koi wo Suru is a game developed by Otomate and was released for Sony PlayStation Portable.
A PS2 otome game.
Kimikare: Shingakki is an otome game, developed by Winlight and published by Idea Factory, which was released in Japan in 2012.
Orange Honey: Boku wa Kimi ni Koishiteru is a otome game developed by Guyzware and was released for PlayStation 2.
Ppoi: Hitonatsu no Keiken is a PlayStation 2 game by Otomate.
An otome game for PS2.
Kin'iro no Corda 2Encore is the continuation of 2.
Fandisc for the original Starry Sky: After Winter game.
A PS2 otome game.