It is a girls' love visual novel set against the backdrop of college and the workplace. The protagonist carries a love curse and is searching for her true love. However, as events unfold, she finds herself facing even bigger challenges...
When The Night Comes is an episodic fantasy otome game with supernatural elements. You are a Hunter, and you've been called to the quiet town of Lunaris to assist the local Enforcers with an investigation into a series of increasingly unsettling murders. Immerse yourself in the world of Witches, Vampires, Demons and Lycan's as you slowly unravel the mystery that lies deep within the roots of the town.
Can you find love as the only boy in an all-girls school? Find out, in this slice-of-life visual novel game with multiple endings.
A slice of life, romance and fantasy dating sim featuring 3 love interests, romance/friendship routes and an original soundtrack.
A visual novel project about a community of queer Beings living their best lives in an inbetween realm known as Sanctuary.
Promises to Keep (PTK) is a queer, furry, safe-for-work (16+) visual novel. PTK follows the journey of a post-college snow leopard after returning to his childhood home. After a year of wishful thinking, living in the footsteps of his past and the childhood promises he has yet to fulfill, he's convinced there's nothing more for him here. Then, disaster strikes. The current version has around 5 hours of content, featuring an original soundtrack of 15 songs, over 50 beautifully drawn backgrounds and fully-illustrated CGs, and nearly 100 unique character sprites.
Sol Fitzroy is a gloomy student starting college at her parent’s behest. She expects nothing from the prestigious Ivy University, but with soccer sweetheart Chet Chester and football star Bill Lowman, Sol might have a good time in the end. As Chet encounters hostile teammates and Bill deals with his father’s expectations, Sol makes a realization of her own. Menage a Trois is a LGBTQ+ visual novel about a trans girl, a (soccer) ball boy, and an all-American football star.
A romantic comedy visual novel centered around a girl named Mika Anderson, who gets entangled in the affairs of incubi.
High School Story: Class Act, Book 1 is the fourth book of the High School Story series and the first of the High School Story: Class Act series. It succeeds its first three books and serves as a soft reboot for the series as a whole. It is followed by High School Story: Class Act, Book 2 and High School Story: Class Act, Book 3.