This game is an animated visual novel based on a youthful, dream filled high school life story. This game portrays the player as Aoi, the protagonist, and brings the player through the feat of building the glider that will realise their dreams, while bonding with the female characters.
Cupid Parasite: Sweet and Spicy Darling is a fandisc for Cupid Parasite.
Enjoy a sweet romance with vampires in this otome novel adventure.
The healer Thalia has developed magical powers and the gods of her world think she might be a new goddess they can marry. Poor Thalia just wants to do her work!
Your boyfriend works at a flower shop. As if smiling at a flower, he showers you with love that’s both sweet and sour. These are four love stories connected by flowers.
A romantic comedy visual novel centered around a girl named Mika Anderson, who gets entangled in the affairs of incubi.
"Wound up? By any nori but me." A thrilling school life with 4 good-looking nori! Which "nori" will you "omusubi" with ......?
A science-fiction visual novel centered on a romantic story with your favorite super hero! Superheroes are not the only ones that wear a mask. Ayaka is 21 years old and very self-conscious about her scarred body, feeling she has no place anywhere. She reinvents herself as "Nina" — a stylish, sophisticated, and successful girl, with great influence in social media. After spending years as a shut-in, she finally gathers courage to start university with her new identity, believing she will be able to have a normal life this way. But her negative thoughts won't be the only villains she will have to face, because she meets a team of boys that also wear masks to hide their identities, but with a sightly different purpose...
An interactive story game in which your choices can change everything.
Monstrata Fracture is a monster dating sim.