Games like Othello

Drawful 2 cover

Drawful 2

The team behind the hit party games Fibbage, Quiplash, and YOU DON’T KNOW JACK presents Drawful 2, the game of terrible drawings and hilariously wrong answers! You use your phone or tablet to draw weird and funny things like “pitcher of nachos” or “death by trombone.” The other players type in what they think the (probably terrible) drawing is and those become the multiple-choice wrong answers. Then everyone - even an audience of potentially thousands – tries to guess the REAL answer. Drawful 2 is a go-to party game that everyone can play and enjoy!

Cosmic Consensus cover

Cosmic Consensus

An online board game published by Berkeley Systems in which a group of players race to the top of the ziggurat, their number of steps each turn determined by the popularity of their answer to an opinion-based poll question, and the traps and bonuses set on each step of the ziggurat.

Cthulhu Realms cover

Cthulhu Realms

Star Realms has gone insane! Introducing Cthulhu Realms! Are you zany enough to play the crazier and creepier cousin of Star Realms? Download and play today to find out why Cthulhu Realms is so crazily addictive!

Akinator cover


Akinator, the Web Genie (formerly Akinator, the web Genius) is an internet game and mobile app based on Twenty Questions that attempts to determine which character the player is thinking of by asking them a series of questions. It is an artificial intelligence program that can find and learn the best questions to ask the player. Created by three French programmers in 2007, it became popular worldwide in November 2008, according to Google Trends. In Europe popularity peak was reached in 2009 and Japan in 2010 with the launch of mobile apps by French mobile company SCIMOB, reaching highest ranks on app store . While playing "Akinator", questions are asked by a cartoon genie.

Yu-Gi-Oh! Power of Chaos: Yugi the Destiny cover

Yu-Gi-Oh! Power of Chaos: Yugi the Destiny

The first Yu-Gi-Oh! game for PC and the first of the three Power of Chaos games. The game includes 155 cards which most of them are from Legend of Blue Eyes White Dragon and Starter Deck: Yugi. Two are from Metal Raiders. One is from Spell Ruler, another is from Tournament Pack: 3rd Season, and the other is from Starter Deck: Pegasus. Learn how to play the Yu-Gi-Oh! trading card game with Yugi. In Yu-Gi-Oh! Power of Chaos - Yugi the Destiny, you can learn the basics of summoning, tributes, and more in a tutorial, and then you can duel against Yugi to collect cards and build up your own collection. Each card features artwork re-created from the card game. In addition to new artwork, Yugi the Destiny features a variety of battlefields and intense duels

Othello cover


This is ancient board game of Othello (another name is Reversi). You must capture opponent's pieces, placing your stones on board. Any opponent's stones directly between your new stone and any of your old ones became captured and reversed to your color. You can play with friend or with computer. This is anonymous BASIC version of 1982, translated from TRS-80 version.

Reversi cover


Reversi is a computerized version of the board game Othello. During the game, two players take turns placing game pieces on the board in an attempt to trap pieces of their opponents color. Any trapped pieces will then be reversed in color. When the board becomes completely filled up, whomever has the most pieces of his own color on the board wins. The game can be played by two players, or one player against the computer. There are three skill levels the computer can use, and three different board sizes are available, 6 by 6, 8 by 8, and 10 by 10.

The Fidelity Ultimate Chess Challenge cover

The Fidelity Ultimate Chess Challenge

This handheld chess game uses Chessmaster 2100's basic game engine. This includes such items as en passant attacks for pawn, castling, check and checkmate, and draws for various reasons. Move time limits are optional, and the CPU's thinking time can be specified. If you need a hint, you can press the B button and the computer may or may not give you a hint. You can also play against another human opponent, alternating.

SuperLite 2000: Othello cover

SuperLite 2000: Othello

Othello is a board game, published by Success, which was released in Japan in 2003.

GoMoku Narabe cover

GoMoku Narabe

Classic "5 stone" Go/Othello matching game.