This game is an animated visual novel based on a youthful, dream filled high school life story. This game portrays the player as Aoi, the protagonist, and brings the player through the feat of building the glider that will realise their dreams, while bonding with the female characters.
A romantic comedy visual novel centered around a girl named Mika Anderson, who gets entangled in the affairs of incubi.
Kagamijima, an island closest to the sky. Along with the Lake Mikagami waters that reflects the sky like mirror on it's waters, lies a soaring sakura tree in Kagami Gakuen. Kujou Souma, who attends Kagami Gakuen. Yasaka Menoa, his queen-like undesired unseparable childhood friend. Tokisaka Yukina, big sister figure who is the student council president. Shirawaka Akari, far-beyond-reach ojousama. Yasaka Kako, Menoa's younger sister who calls Souma big brother. Suginami, mysterious well-informed friend. Together, they live a merry fun school life. On Kagami Gakuen, stands a curious sakura tree called "Hakari no Sakura". It has the ability to help collect student's consensus on choices. Students choose to wear white or black cape on their uniforms, then Hakari no Sakura aggregates the amount of wearer to choose the majority. The latest choose event (called Hakarigoto), student has to decide whether the next school festival would be a cultural festival or sports festival. They get to promote and win sides on whichever festival they feel is the best to enjoy. It's a natural occurence whenever Hakarigoto happens. Then one day. Souma visited Lake Mikagami, there's "another sakura tree" whom has never bloom in so many years, blooms dazzlingly. Looking up to the sky, along with the blooming petals, a young girl decends. "Yes, you are....", whispers the mystery girl, Sakuragi Mizuha. Meetings of the boys and girls, the fate begins to move. While out-of-season sakura blooms, curtain to young boys and girls story opens.
A little Visual Novel about two Old Gay Cats [Named Romeo and Juliet] looking at Old Photos!
It's your first semester at the prestigious Lombardi University, and you've immediately dived head first into the chaos of organizing the student-run New Year festival. You immediately befriend Trait, a kind but slightly disturbed rabbit, and his best friend Stoney, a perma-stoned dog who keeps up a strong emotional guard around new people. What will you do to win their hearts?
This tiny bitsy game / visual novel tells the story of Lydia and Ophelia - two lesbians that experience their first date in person, after they have been talking online for a while. The scene takes place in a tiny café, on a rainy day.
You are Naegi and you are searching for the kawaii love of your life around Brazil.
Clown Café is a parody visual novel on Tumblr.
A few months after the end of Tsukihime, life at the Tohno mansion has more or less returned to normal. Akiha is busy with school and managing the Tohno estate, Ciel gives Shiki regular after-school lessons to help him catch up on everything he missed, Hisui is ever happy to await Shiki-sama at the front door, Kohaku is as cheerful and crazy as ever and Arcueid has finally gotten firmly in touch with her feline side. Surely, this can't go on like this for long...
“This is an ancient melody without a reciter.” Chinese-style high fantasy x glittering romance.