Games like Play to Befriend a Pokémon!

The Incredible Hulk cover

The Incredible Hulk

The Incredible Hulk was supposed to be a video game created by toy and game manufacturer Parker Brothers in 1983 for the Atari 2600. The release of The Incredible Hulk was scheduled for Autumn 1983. However, this period coincided with the video game crash of 1983 (following E.T.'s release in December 1982). During this crisis, numerous companies, including Parker Brothers, opted not to launch games that had already been developed for the Atari 2600. Consequently, The Incredible Hulk was never made available to the public.

Chuck Quizmo's Quiz cover

Chuck Quizmo's Quiz

Wario's Flashin' Fruit Punch Splash cover

Wario's Flashin' Fruit Punch Splash

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Mini-Game cover

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Mini-Game

On the website for the video game Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix there was plans for a promotional mini-game to be released alongside it. The game was labeled as coming soon under the "Mini-Game" tab on the official website for the game, however was never released. No details of the game were ever released and it is uncertain what the contents of the game were to be, apart from the game being built in Adobe Flash based on the link being labeled as "flashgame" within the site's HTML code.

Luigi's Mansion Organ Game cover

Luigi's Mansion Organ Game

Mario's Orange Lavaburst Adventure cover

Mario's Orange Lavaburst Adventure

Yeah Yeah Beebiss I cover

Yeah Yeah Beebiss I

Yeah Yeah Beebiss I is a rumored lost game for the NES that was first mentioned in the June 1989 listing for mail-order video game service, Play It Again, where it would reappear until September before being removed from the listing and then show up on another mail-order video game service known as Funco. There's no known information about the game other than it's title, however there are various theories to the game, from it being a mistranslation of a Japanese game, with the most popular theory for this one being the game Rai Rai Kyonshis: Baby Kyonshi no Amida Daibouken, to the game being a copyright trap made up to spot other magazines who were copying them. As of 2022, none of them have been confirmed. SpaceForce cover SpaceForce

Crazy Hit cover

Crazy Hit

Crazy Hit is a game produced by U.F.O. Soft that was released together with Crazy Hit 2 (known as the Playstation Pokémon for using unlicensed art from the franchise) and a special controller to play both. It is currently not possible to find the game or recordings of it available, so the only image of it available is the one on the back of the set's box. From the box art and the description on it (in addition to the use of the controller), it is possible to deduce that it shares the same gameplay as Crazy Hit 2 (a whack-a-mole like game), but without the use of Pokémon. In Crazy Hit 2 it is possible to see on the initial screen that the game was made by Poho and Majorros, however without the file for this game, it is uncertain to say that this game was also produced by both developers.

WD-40 Game cover

WD-40 Game

A free 2001 advergame for members of the "WD-40 Fan Club". Largely forgotten about until 2022, when someone posted about it on the r/lostmedia subreddit, and a copy was located on the wayback machine.