Hakuoki is a Japanese otome video game series by Idea Factory, first released for the PlayStation 2 in 18 September 2008 and ported to many other platforms.
Kinema Mosaic takes place one year after the original Hanayaka Nari, Waga Ichizoku.
Neo Angelique Tenshi no Namida is a sequel to Neo Angelique (or Neo Angelique Full Voice remake) from PlayStation 2 (or Neo Angelique Special remake of PlayStation 2 version on PlayStation Portable).
You're a country girl who left for the big city with big dreams, but little did you know that you'd be getting a lot more than you bargained for!
A otome game by Cybird.
Midnight Cinderella is an otome game. You play as the Princess Elect of Wysteria. No Wysterian damsel is immune to the feverish yearning ignited by the mere mention of this coveted title. For only she can choose the prince, her very own prince, from among the most charismatic echelons of the aristocracy. In a chance turn of events, as sudden as they were unforeseen, none other than you are appointed to the role.
Shall we date?:Actor to be is a visual novel type Dating Simulation Game set at the Opera School.
Part of the Solomon's Ring series.
Otome game by Plan Peace for PSP.
Now included in the "Dear Otome" app.