
Swiped! Double Shots of Love

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"Swiped!: Double Shots of Love" is a romantic visual novel featuring a slightly older cast of 4 main love interests. You can customise your MC's name and pronouns. This game features cussing, I'd usually recommend for a slightly older audience due to the cast of dateables.
First, you get rejected at multiple job interviews. No matter, you managed to land a barista job at a cafe, so it couldn't be that bad, right? WRONG! Modern dating is such a struggle for you, it's too complicated and you never make it past the second date or even the 'talking stage', ugh. After coming home from yet another failed date, you swore off dating until your friend messaged you about a brand new dating app that's been trending for weeks (and with a high success rate of dates turning into serious relationships). You took it as a sign to give it one last shot before you threw the towel in. You read the rules: The profile you matched with initially will be anonymous then will be unlocked after a successful first date (don't worry, profiles are HEAVILY vetted through during registration). Sounds interesting, well... Little did you know, the profiles you are talking to are your customers and your boss.

