The Tamagotchi Smart is a virtual pet released in November 2021, celebrating the Tamagotchi franchise's 25th anniversary. Unlike previous Tamagotchi releases, it is in the style of a wearable smartwatch, akin to the Apple Watch and various other devices. The Tamagotchi Smart uses TamaSma Card, also known as Tama Smart Card, which is a memory card that can be inserted into the Tamagotchi Smart to download additional characters, items, accessories, games, wallpapers, clock faces, and food.
The Jordy x Tamagotchi is a licensed Tamagotchi Nano model exclusive to South Korea, based on the NINIZ mascot character Jordy.
he Toy Story Tamagotchi is a licensed Tamagotchi Nano model based on Disney and Pixar's animated film series Toy Story.
The Pocket Usapiyo is a licensed Tamagotchi Nano model based on the Tokyo Disney Sea Easter mascot Usapiyo. It was released exclusively at Tokyo Disney on April 22, 2019, coinciding with an updated rerelease of the Pocket Usatama.
The Tamagotchi On: Wonder Garden version was released in the USA in July 2020. While it retains the same home screen, baby and child characters, items, and games as the Fantasy version, the only new location for the Tamagotchi On is Wonder Garden (retaining the rest of the locations from the Fairy and Magic versions), and it features a completely different faceplate design.
The Gudetama Tamagotchi is a licensed Tamagotchi Nano model based on the Sanrio character Gudetama.
The Tamagotchi Meets: Sweets version was released in Japan in November 2019. It features two new locations and seven new and returning characters: Dolce Town (Amamelotchi, Himedolcetchi, Hotcaketchi, and Patitchi) and Wagashi Village (Himeamachatchi, Tsubuanonetchi, and Wagassiertchi).
Tamagotchi Pix is a color-screen virtual pet released in mid-2021. It is the first color Tamagotchi to be produced specifically for an international market, and was not released in Japan. The Pix features a camera and touch buttons, which tie into the new gameplay.
The Eevee x Tamagotchi is a licensed Tamagotchi Nano model based on the Pokémon character Eevee.
The Tamagotchi Uni is a virtual pet released by Bandai Toys on July 15, 2023. It is designed as a successor to the Tamagotchi Smart and the Tamagotchi Pix, and it is the first color-screen Tamagotchi device to have a simultaneous global release.