Games like The Secret Turnabout

Phoenix Wright: Comeback & Turnabout cover

Phoenix Wright: Comeback & Turnabout

Phoenix Wright: Comeback & Turnabout is a fan game developed by Squall for the Ace Attorney game series and takes place chronologically after the official second part of the series (Justice for All).

Danganronpa: Eternal Endings cover

Danganronpa: Eternal Endings

After each dying in horrific accidents, 17 people from all across the world and time find themselves trapped in a strange purgatory like realm with only one way to free their trapped souls: spiritual murder.

Murder by Candlelight cover

Murder by Candlelight

You're a detective on the case. An old rich man was killed during dinner time, and no one knows how. The wife, maid, and chef all say they were eating dinner together when it happened. No one got up, so how did this man end up dead?

Re: Danganronpa Refresh Retreat cover

Re: Danganronpa Refresh Retreat

After a rather odd kidnapping, 16 people wake up in a mansion, all the doors are locked and it seems like there is no way out. Follow Amy Miller and the fifteen other inhabitants of the refresh retreat as they uncover the mystery surrounding the killing game and who exactly is keeping them imprisoned.

Danganronpa: Abandoned Lights cover

Danganronpa: Abandoned Lights

14 former students get called back to their school that they used to go. But as they go there, things escalate pretty quickly.

Danganronpa Blowback: The Stage of Repeated Despair and Hope cover

Danganronpa Blowback: The Stage of Repeated Despair and Hope

A cancelled Korean fan game created by a group of Korean Danganronpa fans called Team MonoLab. The game had a prologue and two fully released chapters prior to its cancellation.

Danganronpa Dreamland: Hymn of the Sea and Whales cover

Danganronpa Dreamland: Hymn of the Sea and Whales

The premise is as usual 15 students trapped in a school, Hope Peak Academy....or is it?

Mia Fey: Ace Spirit Attorney cover

Mia Fey: Ace Spirit Attorney

Follow Mia Fey, the original Turnabout Lawyer, as she uncovers the secrets of DL-6. Murder after murder, incident after incident, Mia Fey is one step closer to the the truth about DL-6. But at the same time, she's also getting herself into a cutthroat world of law, where all is not what it seems. In fact, the law system is broken. Prosecutors getting replaced every week, the prosecution department short on prosecutors... Utter chaos in the law. The ultimate question: will Mia Fey survive the world of law, and will she uncover the truth about DL-6? Or will she die trying?

Danganronpa Absolute Vindication cover

Danganronpa Absolute Vindication

Mearu, The Ultimate Journalist who goes by a pseudonym, suddenly awakes in an empty classroom amongst 14 other Ultimate Students, unsure how she got there. After some investigation, they're all met with an android known as Monorakun, who explains to them that they'll live in that school until the rest of their lives, unless they choose to murder a fellow classmate and get away with it.

Ace Attorney: Turnabout Of A Legend cover

Ace Attorney: Turnabout Of A Legend

Apollo returns from his trials abroad to attend Chief Prosecutor Edgeworth's 5 Year anniversary project. Only to find his mentor, and dear friend Phoenix Wright murdered. With an old co-worker and friend accused, it is up to Apollo to prove her innocence, and find Phoenix's true killer! Investigate the crime, while uncovering more of the corruption ring at the Prosecutor's Office.