Katawa Shoujo is a bishoujo-style visual novel set in the fictional Yamaku High School for disabled children, located somewhere in modern Japan. Hisao Nakai, a normal boy living a normal life, has his life turned upside down when a congenital heart defect forces him to move to a new school after a long hospitalization. Despite his difficulties, Hisao is able to find friends—and perhaps love, if he plays his cards right. There are five main paths corresponding to the 5 main female characters, each path following the storyline pertaining to that character.
Business simulator with rich economic model (markets with shortages and surpluses, websites with black hat SEO, etc.), flexible configuration of movie production, complex casting, two modes of shooting (fast and detailed ones) and other features. Beautiful graphics and no sexually explicit content.
Looking for a unique VR experience? Well, look no further!In VR Kanojo, you can hang out with the lovely girl-next-door, Sakura Yuuhi. You'll practically feel her breath on your cheek and the warmth of her fingers on your arm as you laugh and talk the day away. Better yet, VR controllers simulate your hands in-game, letting you interact with her more directly. Just imagine all the possibilities!Oh yeah! And you can customize Sakura's appearance with a variety of different outfits too. Sound like fun? You bet it is!So, thanks for buying VR Kanojo, and we hope you enjoy your time with Sakura Yuuhi!
In Oppai Slider 2, the player can choose between three different scenarios, each starring a girl in a different role: a nurse (with the player as a doctor), a maid (whose master is the player), and a "sailor", who is simply a girl the player has to teach how to swim. It is actually the same girl, named Asakura Koyori, in three different stories.
Lab 2 - Under Ground - is a platform type action game that gathers weapons and items while exploring. Long distance, short distance weapons will be used separately. Raise the level, collect weapons, acquire items and power up your character.
This is a JRPG with story of twin sisters who live in the pasture. Their parents ran away leaving a huge debt. Two sisters have to pay back money in 120 days…
Artificial Academy 2 is an eroge high school social simulation, sequel of Artificial Academy. Create and play up to 25 students of varying gender, orientation with interaction abilities and personal inclinations. Make friends and lovers as the class competes for achievements in academics, athletics, popularity, and romance.
In development otome game.
Artificial Girl 3 is an eroge (hentai game) and is the sequel to Artificial Girl 2. The gameplay involves being a guy and living a life with one or many girls (whose various characteristics are set by the player). The game is considered by the playerbase to be one of Illusion's finest games.
Engage in your wildest sexual fantasies in this customizable sex-simulation game for the PC. Sexvilla is more than just interactive images or video clips! Check out the hottest cyber sex game in real-time 3D! It's like actually being there!! Blow Job, Riding, Doggy ... however you like it. Choose your favorite interactive soft- and hardcore sex poses! Choose the chick you like or create your own dream girl ... whatever you do, these virtual girls are always horny and willing to make you cum! Let your fantasies come true ... unlimited 3D sex all over the world! Access now to get virtual sex games with 3D movement and interaction with realistic lifelike girls never seen before.