Games like Touhou Kaeizuka: Phantasmagoria of Flower View

Touhou Luna Nights cover

Touhou Luna Nights

Touhou Luna Night's is a 2D search action (Metroidvania) video game. After creating many action games, this is a new project from Team Ladybug.

Touhou Kikeijuu: Wily Beast and Weakest Creature cover

Touhou Kikeijuu: Wily Beast and Weakest Creature

Touhou Kikeijuu: Wily Beast and Weakest Creature is the seventeenth official installment of the Touhou Project. It was announced by ZUN on his personal blog on April 17, 2019, at 14:02 JST. A playable demo was released on May 5, 2019, at Reitaisai 16. The full version was released August 12, 2019, at Comiket 96.

Touhou Kishinjou: Double Dealing Character cover

Touhou Kishinjou: Double Dealing Character

The fourteenth main entry in the Touhou series of vertical danmaku shooters.

Touhou Shinreibyou: Ten Desires cover

Touhou Shinreibyou: Ten Desires

Touhou Shinreibyou ~ Ten Desires is the thirteenth official game of the Touhou Project. A trial version of the game was released on the web in April, and at Reitaisai 8 in May of 2011. The full game was released at Comiket 80 on August 13, 2011.

Touhou Chireiden: Subterranean Animism cover

Touhou Chireiden: Subterranean Animism

Touhou Chireiden: Subterranean Animism is the eleventh main game of the Touhou Project scrolling shooter series. Subterranean Animism features two playable characters, each with three weapon types representing a youkai assisting them from above ground. Like Mountain of Faith, collecting power items adds up to four "option" satellites around the character, which behave differently according to the character and weapon type, and can be sacrificed for a bomb effect. However, unlike Mountain of Faith, each bomb has a different behavior, and some cause special gameplay effects to occur.

Touhou Fuujinroku: Mountain of Faith cover

Touhou Fuujinroku: Mountain of Faith

Mountain of Faith features two playable characters, each with three weapon types, but no personalized spell card bombs. Collecting power items results in an increase in "option" satellites around the character (for a total of four), which behave differently according to the character and weapon type. Each characters' options also fire bullets, and either shift position or freeze in place in focus-fire mode. The scoring system is based on the Faith meter, which has a refillable gauge and a numeric value (minimum 50,000). As long as the gauge is not empty, the player's Faith value doesn't decrease, but the gauge slowly depletes unless the player is defeating enemies or collecting point items. Point items also partially refill the gauge, and Faith items increase the Faith value. The Faith value directly affects the point value of point items and spell card bonuses.

Touhou Eiyashou: Imperishable Night cover

Touhou Eiyashou: Imperishable Night

This game features eight playable characters, with four starting preset teams of two and unlockable individual character modes. When playing with the character pairs, one character fires when unfocused, while the other switches in and fires when focused, with a reduction in movement speed. The two shot types can be drastically different. The individual characters, with the exception of Remilia and Youmu, do not change shot types while focusing/unfocusing. Imperishable Night features Last Spells. For the enemy, a Last Spell is a bonus Spell Card which the player can challenge without the option to use bombs and without the risk of losing lives. On the player side, Last Spells are secondary "bomb" Spell Cards, which last longer and do much more damage than normal bombs at the expense of two bomb stocks. Player Last Spells can only be used immediately after being hit, with a grace period of less than 1 second. Additionally, there is a "Time Orb" system which affects the story/score, as well as a gauge which tracks how human/youkai (normal/focused) you are and determines how you can collect more time orbs.

Touhou Endless Dream cover

Touhou Endless Dream

A bullet hell roguelike game. Players can utilize characters with different abilities, collect and assemble powerful items. Dance through an unending barrage of bullets to save both yourself and Touhou Gensokyo from the darkness that is engulfing everything.

Touhou Bunkachou: Shoot the Bullet cover

Touhou Bunkachou: Shoot the Bullet

Shoot the Bullet works like a normal danmaku game, with one main difference. You still have to dodge bullets that are thrown at you, but you are unable to shoot at the boss to deal damage. Instead, you must use Aya's camera to take a certain amount of pictures of the boss. To assist the player, Aya's camera is capable of eliminating all of the bullets within the viewfinder when a shot is taken, even if the boss is not within the photo. The shot is considered successful when the boss is featured in the photo, and it will be given a score based on certain criteria including the amount and type of bullets in the photo. The bosses included in this game come from the games Embodiment of Scarlet Devil to Phantasmagoria of Flower View.

Touhou Mutsuigeki: Concealed the Conclusion cover

Touhou Mutsuigeki: Concealed the Conclusion

Touhou Mutsuigeki: Concealed the Conclusion is a Touhou Project fangame by danmaq, originally a script set for Touhou Danmakufu and later rewritten using Microsoft XNA. It is the second game in Danmaq's alternative Touhou series, and has massive improvements over the first game - The Alternative Age. The game is an overall reference as to what could happen if something happened to the current Shrine Maiden in official terms, seeing that the Miko of Hakurei is crucial to Gensokyo's survival or, rather, it is based on a theory.