Set in the same beloved universe as Torchlight I and II, this shared-world action-RPG brings back many of the franchise's signature features and mechanics that captured the hearts of ARPG fans around the world. In true Torchlight style, players will team up with friends and devoted pets to hack and slack their way through a vibrant world, discover ancient ruins of lost civilizations and brave dungeons filled with riches and dangerous creatures.
Fight through the world of Fairy Tail in this mobile MMORPG app by O4games. Not related to 'FAIRY TAIL: HERO'S JOURNEY'.
Legends of Equestria is a MMORPG where players play as a pony in a magical world filled with friendship and many adventures.
Soulworker is an anime action MMORPG which takes place in the Cloudrealm, a now vacant city which only harbors the psychics and a horde of monsters. Players will learn about the fate of the city and the reason for the disappearance of all inhabitants through the course of the game, as well as possibly finding a way to reverse this catastrophe. The English version of the game that was published by Gameforge ceased its service on April 30, 2021. Lion Games Studios launched a new English server on May 13, 2021. It shares the same game client as the Taiwanese version and is only available from Steam
A fully featured RPG with classic game mechanics and extensive lore based on Norse mythology. As all elven unicorns were taken away and cursed by witchcraft, the elves’ sole existence became endangered. Players will encounter mesmerizing locations and fantasy characters as Aurehen, a young pure Elf, who undertakes her quest to free the last surviving Unicorn that protects Elven immortality.
Hire heroes, build an army, prevail in battles and try to keep your empire intact in the face of grave danger. Eador. Imperium is a new chapter in Eador series, known for its unique blend of grand strategy, turn-based tactics and RPG elements.
The Wrath of the Goddess expansion is now live! Journey to the mysterious continent of Kharath, where the malevolent sorceress, Naez, is plotting to summon an ancient evil into the mortal realm. The hope of the world lies with you, Soulkeeper...
Eldevin is the award winning indie story-driven Free to Play MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game) from Hunted Cow Studios. Join thousands of other players and explore the mystical lands of Eldevin. Featuring more than 160 realms, each filled with unique creatures and characters for you to encounter. Explore vast open plains or descend underground into hidden caves and dungeons, making friends or foes of the various factions as you carry out your epic quest to defend Eldevin Kingdom.
Kando World is a 2-d indie oldschool meets newschool MMORPG being developed.
Immerse yourself in a vivid and exciting anime world! For ages, the twin goddesses watched over mankind. Until one sister, in her lust for power, destroyed the delicate balance between the twins. Order has turned into chaos and it is up to you to fight for the future of all life!