Description:Struggling with the emotional aftermath of a grisly tragedy, recent high school grad Nick is dragged to a remote cabin by his loving mom for a winter weekend getaway. Unfortunately, the vacation becomes irreparable when an unforeseen blizzard leaves his mom trapped in town and Nick stranded in the isolated cottage. With no phone service, no internet, and no entertainment, Nick decides to explore the surrounding backwoods...
Storyline:Struggling with the emotional aftermath of a grisly tragedy, recent high school grad Nick is dragged to a remote cabin by his loving mom for a winter weekend getaway. Unfortunately, the vacation becomes irreparable when an unforeseen blizzard leaves his mom trapped in town and Nick stranded in the isolated cottage. With no phone service, no internet, and no entertainment, Nick decides to explore the surrounding backwoods...
But things take an even darker turn when he stumbles upon a gruesome scene.
Accompanied by two new local acquaintances; Felix, the cabin owner’s straight-laced son, and Grayson, the caretaker’s happy-go-lucky daughter, Nick’s first goal is to uncover the mystery of what haunts the woods. His second is to survive it.
Unearth secrets hidden between the trees.
Solve a murder.
Confront what awaits in the darkness.
Whatever transpires, you’re guaranteed to be up all night.