This game is an animated visual novel based on a youthful, dream filled high school life story. This game portrays the player as Aoi, the protagonist, and brings the player through the feat of building the glider that will realise their dreams, while bonding with the female characters.
A romantic comedy visual novel centered around a girl named Mika Anderson, who gets entangled in the affairs of incubi.
Gyakuten Live! is a Love Live fangame with Ace Attorney-style gameplay. Travel through the adventures of your favourite school idols as you solve mysteries and prove the innocence of your clients. Currently has: 2 episodes, with more on the way!
This is the PA series fourth Fan-game!
Your first year attending Divine Crown Academy will be your last—time to make the most of it! As a new transfer student to the prestigious Divine Crown Academy, your third year of high school is sure to be one to remember. The academy’s after-school clubs are full of colorful personalities, but four students in particular catch your eye. They make fast friends, but your bond may go deeper than you expected… How will you make this a year to remember?
When a heavy snowstorm shuts down the city, the Wright Anything Agency asks a friend already at the scene of the crime to investigate...
While hiding from a bully, you pick up a strange, glowing seed that launches you into a universe of herbivores and carnivores! Now human bullies are the furthest thing from your mind as you try to navigate a world full of mortal peril, while searching for a way to return home. With the help of your herbivore friends the task doesn’t seem quite so daunting, but in this world there’s a predator around every corner…
The story follows Haruka Takayama and her relationship with her highschool friends, especially Yuu Sonoda. What will happen to them now that they are second year students, and will they be able to continue to hide the relationship they share?
Stuck at your grandparents' place in the countryside for the summer, you and some old friends decide to play a test of courage at a local shrine known for its ghost stories… Little did you know that none of the stories you were told could truly explain the power of the spirits that lie there! With a powerful Kami on the loose, you must work closely with a feisty shrine maiden and her two familiars to seal evil spirits Will you be able to save the village?