PC Building Simulator lets players get to grips and experiment with building their very own gaming PC, without the associated risks and costs. With tutorials to help master the basics and an array of accurate and lifelike components that function exactly as they would in real life.
Game features include taking back and redoing moves, rotating the game board 180 degrees, and setting up the chess board for special moves and instances. When playing against the CPU, players can also switch sides with the computer to make a move for the CPU. If the computer takes too long to make a move, the player may force the CPU to immediately make the best move it can think of, or cause the game to make an audible tone and pause before making the move.
Chess in the Greek era
Classic chess game against the computer.
Chess With Friends is an asynchronous take on the classic game of chess. Pick opponents at random, pick your friends, or "Pass and Play" locally. The game was taken offline on November 3, 2023.
A chess simulator featuring 10 different chess variants.
Chess game made by Sierra On-Line. It is an updated version of the original Power Chess.
A chess game for PC.