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Code Name: Romance

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“If you want, you can have everything.” The terrible terror that happened 10 years ago: a group of criminals gathered and named themselves ‘Doomsday’. What is it that’s hidden behind that mysterious day and the ‘unknown’ who you have been longing for so long?! What would you do if you are the daughter of a legendary agent and you are meant to be a hero and subdue the villain? "Don't forget, I wouldn't ever forget about you." The choice between the villain and the hero, make your choice in Code Name: Romance!
The terrible terror that happened 10 years ago, Gathered a group of criminals, and named itself "Doomsday." What is it that's hidden behind that mysterious day, and the "unknown" who has been longing for you for so long! What would you do if you are the daughter of a legendary agent, and you are meant to be a hero and subdue the villain?
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