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The Secret Turnabout

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There is no such thing as a flawless system. No matter how we delude ourselves, the cracks will always appear. When that time comes for it to crumble under the weight of failed expectations, will you salvage the remains? Or, will you pretend that it was all just a bad dream?
Following the events of Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney, the implementation of the Jurist System was supposed to be a shining light in a time when the public’s trust in the courts was reaching an all-time low. Bizarrely, the trial of Vera Misham was the last we ever saw of the then disgraced Phoenix’s Wright’s grand project that was supposed to reshape the legal world. Few people know the truth of what happened, but rumor goes it’s tied to the larceny of the public prosecutor’s office that happened not long after. Those secrets will now be revealed… In the links below, we present to you the leaked documents pertaining to the “final test” of the ill-fated jury system. Discover the hidden truth about how the dreams of a brighter age of the law were shattered by a single rookie Defense Attorney, Aiden Gambit.
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