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Touhou Gyakumyouran: Ephemeral Unnatural Balance

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A Touhou fangame developed by ExPorygon of Ephemeral Entertainment. The gameplay mainly revolves around collecting Balance items to fill a gauge. The gauge has a few effects, such as lowering the Point of Collection line and adding score bonuses for point items but its main use is to activate Discord. Similar to Trance from Ten Desires, Discord drains the meter while it's active and causes a variety of effects including increased player shot power, harder enemy bullet patterns, and automatic bombing when hit.
A mysterious spell has descended upon Gensokyo. The result is a devastating reversal of power between the strongest and weakest and everyone in between. Bedridden or otherwise incapacitated, the usual incident solvers are unavailable this time. Thus, they are forced to turn to a new set of heroines. Among these are the forgotten Kirin, Rin Satsuki and the wild hermit, Kasen Ibaraki.
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