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Touhou Mahoujou: Book of Star Mythology

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Touhou Project fangame developed by Maceknight and Raichu that originated as a Touhou styled music album, but was eventually made into a game. Gameplay revolves around collecting star items dropped from enemies, where more can be obtained by attacking enemies at close range. Collecting star items increases the Magnitude gauge, which leads to higher point multipliers. Star items do many other things: they factor in gaining resource pieces, they increase the point item value, and gathering enough in a stage will trigger the stage boss's "Last word" spell card. This game uses the chapter system of Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom, and is also divided into two modes: "Legendary Hero Mode" with infinite lives, and the regular "Legacy Mode". Legendary Hero Mode is different from Pointdevice Mode in that it ignores what chapter you're on; instead, you simply respawn where you died, either at that exact spot or at the bottom of the screen (depending on the setting in the Option menu).
The story was written by Milka Oyasu (the writer for The Last Comer, Mystical Power Plant and Riverbed Soul Saver). In an effort to gain more faith, the Moriya Shrine had decided to take the Tanabata featured in the outdated Lunar Calendar (which had Tanabata being held during August as opposed to July) and market it as a new "Moriya Tanabata", using the common morning glory to advertise it. As a result, an overwhelming number of human wishes became divine spirits, causing the River of Heaven to open up again and reunite Orihime and Hikoboshi outside of schedule. Soon afterward, a torrential rain began to fall, bringing the premature Tanabata to an end. This rain, combined with the new Tanabata amplifying the stars' power, prompts Reimu, Marisa, and Sanae to investigate.
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