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Touhou Mukyuushi: Glory of Deep Skies

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Touhou fangame developed by Τeam αlternative Σnding and programmed by Kirbio, Gizmo the Dragon, Aka Kyuketsuki, and Lunarethic. This game features 3 stages (and a 4th unlockable stage) instead of the standard 6. The main gameplay mechanic of Glory of Deep Skies is the Elemental Burst system. If the player collects Elemental Orbs of the same attribute as the one they chose at the beginning of the game, an Elemental Gauge is filled up. Once full, the Elemental Gauge can be emptied for a boost with various duration and effects depending on the attribute chosen, and during this time, all items become life and spell pieces.
As Halloween night approaches, Gensokyo begins experiencing increased frequency of light-related phenomena such as rainbows and auroras, and an increased potency of magic that results in normally-harmless danmaku battles causing physical damage to their surroundings. After hearing reports of mysterious figures violently battling above the Human Village and causing major collateral damage, Reimu Hakurei and Marisa Kirisame set out to investigate...
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